If you were an eye doctor, you would tell patients that taking good care of our eyes is extremely important, since we only get one pair to take us through life. Seeing beauty in nature and other things and people around Houston is often taken for granted. However, our vision is a valued treasure that should be acknowledged and appreciated; this is also why it’s essential to see our eye doctor regularly for routine exams.
Eyes, which are truly the windows to the soul, are unfortunately vulnerable to several degenerative conditions. Studies have indicated that roughly 75 percent of adults in the United States need eyeglasses, or contact lenses, to correct their vision. However, all is not lost; your Houston eye doctor may tell you that there is great news that involves eating yummy, delicious eggs!
For decades, the opinions of doctors, heart health associations, nutritionists, and food experts have been divided as to whether or not eggs are healthy. Yet, many eye doctors will agree that eating eggs, in moderation, and if you’re not allergic to them, is ‘eggsellent’ for vision. Eggs are chock-full of nutrients that do wonders to our bodies and overall health. In recent years, another dimension has been added to the wonders of eating eggs. More studies indicate that the nutrients in eggs greatly promote eye health. Click Here to see an eye doctor.
Eating eggs has been shown to thwart age-related muscular degeneration. Additionally, an eye doctor may tell you that eggs play a pivotal role in lowering the risk of cataract development. These amazing orbs of awesomeness contain carotenoids, and they protect our vision through their lutein and zeaxanthin content.
Eggs actually have a greater content of carotenoid than some green leafy vegetables. Additionally, the lutein contained in kale, broccoli, and other green leafy vegetables, are not as easily absorbed by the body as those found in eggs. Lutein is the main antioxidant or carotenoid contained in the macula. It internally protects our eyes in the same way sunglasses externally safeguard our eyes against the harmful effects of the sun and other contaminants. It serves as a filter to keep out harmful forms of light. Egg yolks contain more than 85 percent of lutein and zeaxanthin in their overall carotenoid content.
The collective concentration of carotenoid in an egg yolk might be modest compared to spinach. However, it appears that their bioavailability to the retina is high. Increasing your consumption of eggs to 6 per week could be an effective method of increasing MPOD, or macular pigment optical density; making you and your eye doctor happy.
Zeaxanthin is an antioxidant contained in the yolk of the egg. This is believed to assist in protecting the eyes against damage that can result from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Zeaxanthin also reduces the risks of developing cataracts.
As a bonus, the sulphur contained in eggs promotes healthy nails, hair, and skin. There are also 6 grams of premium protein contained in eggs; as well as, all of the 9 essential amino acids. Furthermore, eggs are among the best dietary sources with naturally occurring vitamin D. These outstanding orbs of deliciousness also contain folate, which assists in preventing cardiovascular disease and birth defects. There are also rich contents of other vitamins and minerals in eggs. Some of these are highlighted below:
Vitamin A
This nutrient is derived from both plant and animal sources, and the type contained in eggs is known as preformed vitamin A. The body absorbs it in the form of retinol, which is among the most active, usable types of vitamin A. Egg yolks have a high content of the useful nutrient.
Omega 3s
Egg yolks have a high content of omega 3s. The quantity varies based on how the hens are fed. Egg yolks have been found to be great sources of good fats; and since our cell membranes are largely made up of fat, the aim should be to feed them with good fats. Omega 3s fall in the category of good fats, and they are highly beneficial to us at the cellular level. The Houston eye doctor may recommend eggs from chickens that have consumed feed rich in omega-3 as an excellent source of omega 3s.
Tips on Buying Eggs
Whenever possible, go for free-range, farm-fresh, organic eggs. Typically, organic eggs are free of antibiotics, and their nutrient levels are higher. With organic eggs, the hens are mainly raised indoors, but they have limited access to the outdoors as well. They are only fed with USDA Certified Organic feed, which is free of GMO-ingredients, herbicides, and pesticides.
Tips on Cooking Eggs to Promote Eye Health
Cooking your eggs sunny side up, poaching them, or soft boiling them, are recommended when the aim is to promote eye health. Nature has perfectly packaged these little wonders so they are easy to eat on the go. Boiling a bunch of eggs enables you to store them in an air-tight container in the refrigerator. When you are heading out the door, you can grab an egg or two to eat at your convenience.
Do not hesitate to have eggs for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. There are a number of health benefits to be gained from eggs; even beyond their wonderful contributions to promoting better vision. In addition to having healthier eyes, you will have reduced risks of heart attack, cancer, blood clots, and stroke. However, eating eggs alone will not negate the need to see your eye doctor for routine eye exams. The most important part of eye health is seeing the eye doctor for check-ups.
In the last several decades, eggs have been in and out of “style” when it comes to its impact on our health. Now the eye doctor widely recommends the moderate consumption of eggs because of the overwhelmingly positive effect they have on eye health. There is absolutely no reason to eliminate eggs from your Easter celebrations, or the general commemoration of your life. Go right ahead and make some eggs; your eyes will thank you!
Connect with Dr. Goosey, your premier Houston eye doctor!