LASIK surgery increasingly has become a viable choice for those who want to improve their vision. Those with eye conditions such as myopia, or near sightedness; hyperopia, or far sightedness; and other conditions can find that the surgery will upgrade the way they see things. However, the LASIK doctors Houston has to offer, see many come to rely on details about what to expect from the procedure also will inform you that the surgery generally cannot be used for both near and far sightedness at the same time.
While most patients tend to select one or the other type of vision improvement procedure, there is the option of monovision, which will correct one eye for near vision and the other for distance vision. This procedure often is used to correct presbyopia, which affects people after they reach age 45 and requires them to adopt the wearing of reading glasses or bifocals. In their youth, they may easily have been able to focus the eye on distant objects and then switch quickly to focus on nearby objects. Over the years, though, the lens of the eye will stiffen, making focusing harder, particularly for up close vision.
Visits with LASIK doctors Houston has for treatment can perform a LASIK Monovision procedure to allow each eye to focus separately. One will be able to bring distant objects into better focus, with the other performing the opposite function. Amazingly, the brain often can adapt to this seeming dichotomy and so allow many patients to experience better vision, no matter the distance. However, a large number of those receiving monovision treatment will complain of poorer quality vision overall. Since the eyes are working two separate purposes, there can be a decided reduction in depth perception. These problems will be more pronounced in low-light conditions and when sharp vision is needed for exacting tasks.
Thus, many who opt for the monovision technique will find that they still will need to wear glasses or contact lenses when doing things that demand accurate vision. This can include driving at night, for example, or reading fine print or performing exacting, close work. LASIK surgeons can help you understand what the results of your treatment may be like with a test run using contact lenses. This way, you can experience how your brain will adapt to the change in each eye’s focal point.
Regardless of the type of LASIK surgery you are considering, you will want to be certain that you are a viable candidate for the procedure. You should be at least 18 years old, or 21 for some treatments, since the eye is still changing at that age. Your general health should be good and you should not be pregnant or nursing. Pregnancy can change the measured refraction of the eye. Also, if you have a history of “dry eye,” be sure to consult with your surgeon before undergoing a procedure.
In general, as most LASIK doctors Houston consults will tell their patients, you should be realistic about the potential outcomes. Any surgery comes with risks, and LASIK is no different. Be certain to consider these risks along with your lifestyle and work needs before making that final decision.
To know if LASIK is right for you, make an appointment to visit Dr. Goosey’s office today.